Friday, August 01, 2008

Embedded Equation Test

Well, LaTex equations work now, thanks to a 3rd party equation rendering javascript package. MathML is still problematic though.

A sample LaTex equation:


The Sleeper Awakes

I know I've always said that this blog would be a sporadic affair, updated as and when I had a chance to come up for air. However two and a half years is stretching the point a bit.

I have a number of things I've been working on that I'll post the details on as I get a chance, including some ideas for a possibly novel approach to a computer language but I thought I would celebrate the re-inauguration of this blog with the invention of a new term.

I've coined a new sniglet hodgepourri to describe the analytical approach many new web languages take to choosing the features of the language.

This word can be used in a sentence:

Perl contains a hodgepourri of features.

My apologies, Larry Wall but you know it's true.